Smart ideas for using your 13th salary

For those who live on a monthly payment, as it’s been my case fo great part of my life, December is a month when we receive an extra salary in some places, as it is the case with brazillian trabalhist legislation.

If you didn’t already spend it all in Christmas gifts or vacations, journalist Silvia Andrade wrote, for Nova magazine, nine ways you can use the extra money. In case you don’t use to receive this benefit, you can use the tips for when you get a bonus or a fat comission.

Invest in yourself

Actually, these first three suggestions are about spending it, which is not much my thing. But if used wisely, and you’re also not prone to shopping during your average salary months, this could indeed be considered an investment.

Not to mention the fact that, after Christmas and New Year, promotion sales lower the price of almost any good, thus it’s one of the best times for getting a discounted price anyway, better yet if you wait for after Carnival sales.

    1. Atualizar your wardrobe can be a smart spence, but only if you don’t do it often. The secrete is choosing the right pieces, without spending too much, quality clothes that last and that you’ll use often.

    2. Silvia suggests buying an expensive anticelulitis cream with a inovadora formula to fight celulitis and localized fat, but I think that investing in a good shape requires more action; matrícula in a gym, or in any physical activity you like, sportive equipment you’ll actually use or a massage pack are good purchases. As investment in beauty always pays off, a good face cream or essential oils are also worth your money if you remember to use  them regularly.

    3. Silvia also recommends spending in books that help understand why some people, especially women, spend compulsively; Complexo de Sabotagem: Como as Mulheres Tratam o Dinheiro, by Collete Douling ( best-seller Complexo de Cinderella author), Ed. Record. A self-help book you’ll actually read is a worthy investment that can become a life-changer and can give advice not only about financial habits, but improve overall areas of your life, and also good books on financial education and concepts. Within the same category are also courses and training. Choose something you’ve been wishing to learn about and that you can really put into practice, but be careful to research it well and mak sure you’ll get the best bang for your buck.

“Ganha-se mais na compra do que na venda.”
Conde Francisco Matarazo

Multiply it

How about using this relatively small amount of money to produce an extra income source? 4. Applying your 13.° in the purchase of a computer and printer can help you make an extra money. Fabio Pina, economist from Federação de Comércio do Estado de São Paulo says there’s a growing demand for digitation, cálculos, planilhas and editoração eletrônica works. But not only, you can also use it to start your own business. 5. Invest in a plano de previdência privada. Jornalista econômica Denise Campos de Toledo teaches that, today, there are plans in the market that can be resgatados after two years of aplicação. 6. Use part of your total capital for buying dolar. Specialists’ opinion are divided about it and no one can guarantee if its cotação will stay the same, fall, or rise, therefore you should buy it with caution.

Save it

To refrain from December’s impulse with its wonderful shopping opportunities, we must understand why it happens, psychologist Patrícia Abbud says it’s the balance month, when we look behind, remember our childhood’s Christmas and fall into depression for missing it. That’s when we tend to compulsive shopping. She says there are ways to avoid this behaviour: 7. Nostalgy out by talking to a friend; it helps bringing the problem back to its real dimension. 8. Walk for fourty minutes; the organism liberates endorphin, ending the depression feeling. 9. Faxine your wardrobe; while you organize, clean and throw away, you also make an arrumação interna which has everything to do with this time of the year. Sources: Nova Magazine. Year 25 Edition 300 January 2012, Ed. Abril  Nova Magazine. Year 28 Edition N.° 10 - 325 October 2000, Ed. Abril 


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