The top 10 distinctions between millionaires and the middle class
If we are willing to think in the long run, we’re all ready to reach success is the starting point that author Keith Cameron Smith presents on his book for revealing the top 10 mindsets of millionaires for achieving financial security and a successfull life, based on determination and generosity. According to The Top 10 distinctions between millionaires and the middle class , those that search for financial freedom, in spite of only having enough in terms of convenience, eventually find it. The top ten characteristics of millionaire minds are: 1. Thinking in the long run The middle class thinks in short terms. The millionaires think in the long run. Smith tells us that very poor people think daily; poor people think weekly; middle class, montly; rich people think yearly; and millionaires, by decade. He says that people tend to overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in one decade. Long term goals are a key for financial growth planning....